Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ) has been used for millennia by people. Animals were also treated with this medicine, early on acupuncture charts have been recovered that had the points used for horses. Very important in China and used as war horses . TCM has also been used to treat birds, farm animals and more recently dogs and cats in China. Which element most closely describes your pet? Knowing this can be useful in preventing disease and maintaining health. In the case of imbalances present, it is helpful in the treatment to restore balance in the body and emotions.
The 5 element theory includes: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood.
We are all made up of all of these elements. They are arranged in a circle because what affects one that is out of balance can affect another. Everything is connected. To be in optimal health and balance one has to look at the whole picture . Balance can be achieved in many cases with diet, herbs, acupressure, massage, lifestyle changes and energy. Stronger western medicine drugs and not needed in many cases or a lower dose. Each case is different. We tend to be one element more dominantly expressed over another and that can change as one changes in age seasons.
If out of balance an example might be a pet with separation anxiety, or a very exuberant pet, one that pushes the owner's hand to be petted. Likes to be the center of attention.
Season : Summer
Color: Red
Organs : Heart, pericardium, small intestine, triple heater
Imbalance : Mania, overly exuberant
In balance : Joyful
Taste: Bitter
Foods to help balance :Barley, millet, spinach, tofu
Age Seasons: Teenager to 20's
Diseases : Heart disease, small intestine disease, anxiety disorder
Sound: Laughter
Time of Day : 11:00 AM-1PM and 7-11:00 PM
Sensory Organ : Tongue touch/speech
Secretions : Perspiration
Area ot Tongue : Tip
Body Action: Mania, overly excited
Earth :
When out of balance an example of this would be an overweight pet that worries a lot. When in balance is very sweet natured and gets along well with the other pets
Season: Late Summer
Color: Yellow
Organs : Stomach, spleen/pancreas
Body type : prone to overweight
Imbalanced : Worry
Balance : Friendly
Foods to help Balance : Sweet Potato, lentil, apricot, orange, barley
Age Seasons : Late 20's to 30's in humans
Taste : Sweet
Diseases : Pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, stomach problems, lipomas,
Sound : singing
Sensory organ : Mouth /taste
Time of Day: 7AM-11:00 AM
secretion : Saliva
Tissue : Muscles
Area of tongue: Center
Body Action : Spit of vomit
Metal :
An example would be a very dependable, organized obedient animal when in balance. Out of balance very aloof, may only be connected to one person, may be experiencing grief. May have a runny nose more in the fall.
Season : Fall
Color : white
Organs : Lung large /intestine
Body type: Average weight
Imbalance : Grief or sadness
Balanced : Obedient and dependable
Taste: Pungent, spicey
Foods to help balance : cinnamon, ginger, kale, radish
Ages season: retirement , empty nest
Diseases : Bronchitis, asthma constipation
Sound :Weeping
Time 3:00 AM-7:00 AM
Sensory organ : Nose, lungs
Secretions: Nasal mucus
Area of tongue : Mid tip
Body Action : Cough, wheeze
Water :
An example would be an older pet towards the end of its life. When out of balance an example would be an animal prone to the fear emotion. They may be constantly thirsty and crave salt and may see urinary bladder problems more in the winter.
Season: Winter
Color :Black/ blue
Organs : Kidney/urinary bladder
Imbalanced : Overly Fearful
Foods to help balance : Salty foods, kidney beans, pork, peas, barley
Ages /Season: Old age
Diseases : Kidney disease, bladder problems
Sound : Groaning
Time: 3:00PM-7:00PM
Sensory organ: Ears ( hearing)
Secretions : Urine
Area of Tongue: back of the tongue
Body action: Trembling, shivering
An example of a wood when in balance would be a pet that is a confident leader. Out of balance an overly aggressive pet to humans and/or other animals. Food possessive, or toy possessive, and might have liver problems.
Season :Spring
Color : Green
Organs : Liver /Gallbladder
Imbalanced : Overly aggressive or possessive
Taste: sour
Foods to Balance: sour foods, cooked greens
Ages/ Season:puberty
Diseases :Problems with tendons and ligaments,liver / gallbladder disease
Sensory organ:
Taste : sour
Secretions: tears
Area of tongue:sides
Body action: tantrum, spasm
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